1ST QTR 2012
2/23/12 |
2.5 |
1167.4 |
Starting in on the top wing finally. I'm having to remake my top front spar because the
one I got with the wings I bought many years ago has developed a cup to it that does not allow ribs
to slide on and is thus unusable. In hindsight I should have started in on the wings when I first
bought them rather than letting the spar cup as it dried out. Cut some wood clamping blocks with
exact 90 degree angles to keep the spars perpendicular.Printed out some numerical scales and
glued them on the clamping blocks so I can use them as height gages for the rotary laser level too.
2/23/12 |
3.7 |
1171.1 |
Got a set of identical saw horses, and leveled the tops of them to be coplanar on a level
plane. I used a smartlevel to determine level in two directions on the top of each saw horse,
and then a rotary laser level to determine the overall height of each sawhorse to set them identical.
I cut sections of 2x4 wood down to precise dimensions to act as shims under each leg of the four
sawhorses. The saw horse leg at the highest point in my garage required no shim, while the leg at
the lowest section required a shim almost 1.5" thick.
3/7/12 |
1.5 |
1172.6 |
Measured and marked centerlines along the spar boards in the areas of the splices. Also put
centerlines on all on all the splice parts.
3/18/12 |
3.2 |
1175.8 |
Measured and marked the points 67-1/8" inboard of the I-strut hole on each outer spar.
Put a line around the center of the center spar (wing centerline). Clamped the spars
together so that each of the 67-1/8" points were 28-1/4" away from wing centerline
while keeping the pencil lines aligned. Drilled two 1/4" holes through each outer spars
using center spar as a guide. |
3/24/12 |
0.5 |
1176.3 |
After fitting up the joints I discovered that I have about .03-.05" gaps between the outer spars
and the -24 wedge blocks. I emailed pictures to Kevin, but since he has just left for Sun-n-fun,
figuring out what the problem is will have to wait.
11.4 |
1ST QTR 2012